The vision for the school

How do you start a school „from scratch“?

What kind of school?

Who will be the students?

Who will be the teachers?

What kind of authorities have to get involved?

Which courses do we offer?

What kind of degree can be earned?

How do we pay for everything?

Having all these questions in my mind and knowing very little about schools in Rwanda I am at ease that this project is Gods project and not ours and I just have the privilege to be a part of it. God already knows every

single student who will step into the school and one day earn a degree. He knows whats best for that student and loves him deeply and his plan is ready to be put into action.

Guided by this thought we don't see it as our goal to provide academical education only but challenge every student with character shaping. Because we belive that Jesus Christ wants to change peoples lives. Nothing could be more sustainable than characters that have been changed through him and now impact Magu. And if it is his will we will see that change in the years to come. Therefore we prepare material for character shaping classes.

Nothing could be more sustainable than characters that have been changed through Christ and now impact Magu.

Furthermore we do want to provide education that can be used in a practical way directly in Magu and the villages around. Students should be encuraged to use their knowlegde right where they are and not leave the village for a life in the city. And here again I am so thankful for Gods provision in putting an international team together so we can truely understand what kind of education is needed.

The first classes have already started – students take theory driving lessons in cooperation with the primary school. As soon as we have a car the next generation of rwandan racers will also recieve practical training. :)

Next steps are to pray, put together an english program, unterstand more about the founding process of a vocational school, define the application process for potenial students and teachers, hire teachers, purchase

material, put together a curiculum and much more. There is always something exciting to do when you found a school...

July 20, 2022 Jessica Haenel

a big milestone - completion of the building
The vision for the school
The team is growing



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Thankful for:

  • first curriculums are developed
  • building is finished
  • equipment is waiting
  • money is coming in

What's next:

  • starting the school
  • hiring teachers that are dedicated to God and Magu
  • becoming an officially registrated NGO in Rwanda



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