It was in 2010 when Vital, still a student, without knowing he would one day study and eventually work in Germany, felt a deep burden for the village where he was born and grew up: Magu.
Magu is a village in a remote area 45 minutes away from Kigali, without access to electricity, running water and good and solid education. The majority of the children only go for primary school, since they would not pass the national exam in order to be allowed to go to secondary school due to a lack of good school education. So these kids don‘t have much perspective for their lifes when it comes to education.
This destiny of many of Vitals agemates is something he could not forget, even though he had the opportunity to go to secondary school and later to university. The burden for the young people in Magu kept burning on his heart. There was the vague dream of bringing better education to this place. But how this could ever be implemented was really unclear.
But the deep desire to change something would not leave him.
Even in Germany, busy doing his master degree, Vital continued to share this vision for Magu with family and friends. Still not knowing how it could look like. But we know, when God puts something on our hearts, he will also make a way for it.
But we know, when God puts something on our hearts, he will also make a way for it.
And here we are now, more than 10 years later, in the process of founding a gUG, after God connected us with different people, especially Jannik and Jessica, who share the same vision.
There are still many things very unclear, but this vague dream slowly takes more shape and we are amazed how God orchestrates everything and we are just taking one step after the other. Many years we didn‘t know how and where to start. And then all of a sudden, things are happening that we didn‘t initiate. So here on this blog you will get more insight about what is happening, who we are, what we dream of, what makes us move forward. Feel free to reach out to us in whatever way.
So happy you are here! Welcome to our journey with Equip Magu.
Thankful for:
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